Thats how the rollercoaster of my feelings went these last weeks.
Not that anything was wrong between Kik and me. No, Kik suffers from backproblems for quite a while yet and was told by his docters at Phuket hospital that he had to go to Bangkok to exclude the possibility of cancer in his back! A somewhat different message then tendon/back problems which Kik was suffereing froom these last months.
Now me being here in Delft/The Nethrlands and Kik in Thailand made me at times go a little bit bananas from worry about what the situation was exactly, if Kik was following up as quickly as possble, etc.
Kik went last week to Bangkok and afterwards he travellled onwards to his grandparents farm in Udon Thani...where he stil is by the way!
Last weekend my worry got so big that I thought : If I do not receive any comforting messages from Kik the next couple of days then I am buying a returnticket to Thailand and go find out myself and support him where ever that might be necessary... because if theirs any chance on cancer its very important to start treatment asap so the chnces of recovvery are as big as can be in the circumstances.
Now, yesterday I called Kik again (we speak allmost every day on the phone these last weeks, logically) and in the background I heard happy chatter of his familly in Udon......... and then he told me: no cancer!
My God I allmost started to cry from relief and sheer happiness ... all kinds of doomscenario's had spooked trough my mind and all of a sudden they all just dissapeared!
Kik told me that he would go back to Bangkok on the 18th of june to visit the dutch embassy to get his visa settled for his 3 months stay in Holland. Also he told me that he needed to take care of his back and tendon very much and I concluded, without him contradicting, that most likely his dancing career had come to a halt if he wanted to be able to use his back for a while to come... he didn't disagree, which says a lot about his backproblems and the shoch he, and I, had received these past weeks.
Well, so since yesterday in a somewhat better mood, to put it mildly.... all is back on track and the preparations for marrriage is still fulll steam ahead, YIPPIEEEE (hahahaha)
(the pic inserted in this entry is of Kik in costume at Simon Cabaret, a month or so ago ... sorry you have to turn your head a bit, haven't yet discovered how to safe the rotation)
1 comment:
Ha Rob!
Mooie blog! Gefeliciteerd met het goede nieuws! Ik wist het natuurlijk inmiddels al een tijdje maar als ik je blog zo lees word ik er ook bijna emotioneel van; ik ben blij voor je dat je nu weer opgelucht kunt ademhalen en dat je Kik binnenkort weer in je armen kunt sluiten!!
Grtz en tot snel; Marleen (DWH :)
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