Left: can you imagine this lovely face behind 'bars'?
Thats what we packed today. The whole afternoon Wilma and her daughter Dominique came to the house to help iron and pack all that we wanted to take with us when we leave for Thailand this thursday!
And O dear, how little I wanted to bring with me, but how much a little turns out to be, haha... but thats what one gets if one plans to stay a way a really long time.
And ofcourse Kik also had his stuff to take with him... and he leaves with more then he arrived with, haha.... so much a like in some repects.
We had to make sure that we keep some space in our suitcases for our wedidngdresses to be put into, because wensday we plan to leave straight for the hotel, which will be opposite the airport on Schiphol, our Dutch National Airport.
Next to most of my summerclothing, a full dress toxido, swimming and sportswear, some shoes, etc, also some of my colourfull friends needed some space, as well some gifts. Kiks suitcase was filled up likewise, and more gifts, smells, etc.
I can only pray that the weight will not disturb the check-in lady at China Airlines counter too much though, haha... well, better make sure I am not forgetting my creditcards just in case.
And then we also have to bring the kennel in which Didi will be placed during the long flight to Bangkok....uhum, kind of 'behind bars', and mostly worrried about her and the fact that she will be all alone durting that long flight!! Hope she will be okay though!!
Well, after a while, the suitcases were packed and left with Wilma and her daughter to Amsterdam to be dropped of at the hotel on the airport. The hotel promissed me that the suitcases would be brought to our room as soon as the room came available though we most likely would arrive around midnight.
Tomorrow, or maybe allready tonight, we start collecting everything for our handluggage, haha... allready curious howmuch thats going to be ;-)