Links: The Gang of Three, with KIk...... Kik on the left, Next Herman, Wil and Rob.
Every saterdaymorning, well, most saterdaymornings that is, Wil, Herman and I would meet for coffee plus whatever, at Boterhuis in Delft. may it be their terrace or indoors, saterday mornings we could be found there!!
While being there we would discuss Delft and national politics and whatever we would fancy!
These last two years we discussed allmost everything, from the crises within the VVD up till the bankcrises in the USA, the consumercrises, the awareness of the gays, etc etc etc. We were, better, we are a bunch of true sincere liberals who take an active interest in whatever happens in the world!! We're not allways present when a discussion takes place within our party, but that doesn't chance a thing... we are liberal!! And gues what: Its a damn good feeling!!
This saterday was the last time we meet this way... who knows when we'll meet again like this.. I hope soon, but simply impossible to tell right now!!
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