Picture on the right:
Will he indeed be able to officiate our wedding?
Find out latest the 8th of October ;-)
Or whatever one says in english!
Today its exactly 3 months till our weddingday, on the 8th of October and still so much to do....one wonders what I have been doing these past weeks/months, well mostly thinking about how to organise it, and only taking care of the most necessary items.
Highly necessary to do before Kik arrives in Holland, which will be saterday or roughly 36 hours from now:
- Reserving weddingdate of 8th of October at the citizens affairs desk of the city of Delft;
- Asking the Imigration and Naturalisation Service (IND in Dutch) if they will allow me to marry Kik. They will check if it is not a fake wedding, which you as reader and I ofocurse now it is not;
- Location of marriage, the old Cityhall of Delft. More and more people like to marry on a location of their desire, but this wonderfull 17th century cittyhall is too beautifull to pass over as a location to get married and its high time a Vermeer marries again in Delfts cityhall again anyway;
- We can choose max 4 witnesses, but one witness I had to ask sometime ago allready because otherwise the chance would be to big he wouldn't be able to make himself available again. Due to his high profile at this moment in time I will not reveal his name here now; The other 3 witnesses I will choose together with Kik, because 2 of them will be his, and 2 mine... so we must decide these other 3 together so we both will feel very comfortable with our choices of witnesses (by the way no obligation attached for attending the Thai marriage on the 23d of November). Sadly enough its practically impossible to have relatives and friends of Kik to come all the way from Thailand just for our wedding, hence I find it very important that the witnesses he chooses are more then 100% very pleasing choices for him ( at least his own 2 that is, haha)!;
- shortlist of places to celebrate our wedding, etc.;
- shortlist of possible guys (well ladies, no discrimination intended here) to make a possible recording and photoshoot of the event, so we can take that with us to show our thai relatives as soon as we get to Thailand again;
- a comfi gadget for our guests of the 8th as a token of appreciation as well as a momentum which actually might be usefull for them in the process;
- creating a list of guests, and who I actually allready pre-invited via mail and who I stil have to track down for that;
- a large supplpy of umbrella's in case it rains on the 8th, and thats a risk one runs in October for sure, but ofocurse we all hope for a wonderfull autumnday!!
Not much I know, but then, if all has gone well, our weddingsuits will have bene made in Thaland in a most revealing color, which, when I report about it here wil be more explained... but first I have to know if all went as planned in that area.... if not, a hunt for proper wedddingdresses will have to be added to the list of to-do things.
O, also, were in cityhall we will get married ... depending of how much people intend to atttend ofocurse and what suits the occasion best;-)
And where to cut the weddingcake and how its going to look like .....
Well, these last weeks I felt pretty awfull, being a libra its allready hard to make choices (specially in private matters, in business/volunteerwork I never had or have much trouble with that!) and so much to choose from, so mainly having been busy writing down what needs to be organised and done ;-)
Well, leave it with this little report for now, will get back to all of you soon enough I think ... first saterday I hope to collect Kik after he manages to pass past customs, hehe
take all good care!!
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