Saterday the 12th of july Kik will land at Amsterdam Airport, also known here as Schiphol and as you can notice in the heading, more or less counting down to that moment in anticipation.
Except that most of the organising of the wedding here in Delft wil take place after he has arrived, as well as my 'moving' to Thailand, I also plan to do some very different things here, hehe
Slowly the dinner engagements are getting lined up for the two of us, also I like to spend some true quality time with Kik and therefor I for one booked tickets for the Bolshoi Ballet... and no, not in Moscow, but here in Amsterdam. They perform once a year abroad, and after New York, and London, the now have Amsterdam on their schedule for 2008, and am so happy that I managed to get tickets for it (also read my blog "mpgsadventures" or Rob's adventures) for their 25th of july performance of Spartacus!
Its the best classsical ballet theatercompany I have ever seen, and I can only hope that they haven's lost anything of their magic and quality I was allowed to wittness in 1985 in Moscow twice!
Can only hope Kik will appreciate it just as much as I expect to do, specially because his proffesion is Thai classical dancing.... and he now will have a "first class' opportunity to compare western classical ballet with Thai classical ballet/dancing.
But more is being planned.... I also hope to have the chance to drive a little circle with Kik trough western Europe. Its the chance to do so, because we are here together for 3 months so one can ask himself when do we have a chance for some serious driving around Europe again? And with all the health problems we both encountered in our lives sofar, one can better go for the opportunity when it presents itself then putting it off till a later year ;-)
Depending on the real time available and ofcourse on input by Kik as well, the route wil be Amsterdam (Gaypride), visiting friends who just moved to Drenthe at Balinge (yea, for the non dutch readers: try to locate that one on the map, haha), then via Hannover to Berlin (hopefully hooking up with some guys we met in Patong Phuket), via Leipzig and Munich, trough Austria/Tirol and via one of the Alpes routes into Italy. If possible Venice, but Verona (if lucky maybe I can finally see their second act of Aida which I allways seem to miss out on due to rain at the end of the 1st act) will for sure be visited, then past the big lakes like Lake Como, and , as we say in Dutch "het Garda meer" around Milan (Kik is not keen on too much cities anyway) to Cannes, Monaco, Nice (the coast route) and then slowly going to the north again.... OR we might continue, depending on the time available, to Zaragossa in Northern Spain where we can visit the Expo and see and learn everything about water. Which could be very instructive for us when I think about the farm in Thailand we will have to take care off one day!!. Well, all in all I want to try to arrive in the midddel of France, between Marmande and Bergerac on the 16th latest 17th to celebrate there the birthday of my oldest friend Alan with his family and some other dear old friends. After which I hope we can proceed trough France up north, via Paris and then back to Holland and Delft.
This little circle trough western Europe I hope will not take more then roughly 3 weeks.... it can be made shorter depending on the time we still need to be decently prepared here for the October events. One advantage: Kik is not that keen on exploring cities, he's far more interested in countryside and nature hence I hope to show him a lot off all that in all its variations we have here in this part of the world.
OK, thats it for now, catch you next time again!!
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