Right: "A cigarette, a cigarette, a kindom for a cigarette"
Well, very clever we were yesterday, when Kik said he wanted to quit smoking on monday, which is today, when he starts his full vegetarian period which would end on the 6th of October.
Now I allready promissed myself years ago to quit smoking on the 7th of October, the day I turn 50 years old.... So I thought, lets be supportive and quit 10 days earlier so we stop smoking together...haha, what a fun thing to do, uhum.
Kik wanted to get acupuncture treatment by Chinese Docter against smoking. This docter told that it could not stop someone from wanting to smoke but that it could help to strenghten his mind against temptations to smoke.
Well, while I am trying to finish this contribution to my weblog, I still haven't smoked, but Kik allready went for my cigars after less then 6 hoursd and bought a package of cigarettes in the early evening....but worse, smoked a cigarette out of that package in front of the house.... haha, I told him that inside it was not longer permitted to smoke (one has to do something to help the other actually getting himself to stop....). Well, one conclussion, the Chinese acupuncture didn't help much today with Kik...I believe that we have to thnk of other tricks to help him to quit! So any effective idears are most welcome!! ;-)
Well, early this afternoon we got Leja van der Hoek at the house to talk about the wedding next wensday, she will be our official Registrar. Kik was not feeling too well, some headache, easily distracted, absentminded....... quess quiting smoking today was not the most clever discission we made. The result of that talk anybody comming to delft cityhall on the 8th, will be able to see for themselfs, together with us ;-)
One major worry concerning myself: what if I start to blow up like a blowfish again in this week, simply because instead of next wensday I was so stupid to stop smoking today??? And I will not be able to fit into my weddingcostume?
O damn, Do I turn slowly crazy or is it just the pre wedding jitters?
Maybe I should go on a crash diet simultaniously to counterweigh the effects of stop smoking?
O darn, now I have new poblems to worry about, and it is allready such a lot of stuff..... haha
Clever, all in all? I doubt it! ;-)
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