My French Basset, Didi, stuborn as stuborn can be, but also a very dear comrade over the past years, a comrade I would not like to part with, only when absolute sure she would be in the best of hands! Due to the fact that the only couple sofar who have enough trust with me to let them take care of her, had sadly enough to decline due to unfortunate circumstances. I believe should would have really liked living on a dutch farmstyle home. BUT now, as an alternative, one I also like very much by the way, she will join me on my way to Thailand with Kik.
Kik allready more or less arranged for Didi to be taken care off while we have to travell a lot trough Thailand in our first weeks while there, up till just a couple of days after our Thai wedding ceremony on the 23d of November in Si Bun Ruang in Nort East Thailand, just 120/140 south west of Udon Thani. Didi will stay with friends of us on the iland of Phuket, taken care off very well by true dog lovers!
BUT on the 8th itself, well, if all goes according to plan, my Lady in fur, hehe, will join us at Cityhall for our weddingceremony here in Delft. I can only hope and pray though that she will truely behave like a lady and less like that lovely stuborn dog she also likes to be, haha.
A bigger challenge is ofcourse what to do with her while we have our 'reception' after the wedding and while having our weddingdinner? Well, if anyone as a clever idear, we sure would like to hear of that!
We allready bought a special 'cage' for Didi to travell in to Thailand, one which is approved by IATA. I feel somewhat bad by having to teach her to stay in this so called 'kennel' and even more to put her in it when latest at the airport and arranging for her transport on the same flight as we will be on, China Airlines flight CI66 from Amsterdam to bangkok, a flight of around 12 hours. We will have to hand her over to the airline preferably around 11.30, while we will depart at 14.30 .. poor Didi, wonder how much she will hate me for that ordeal she will have to go trough..... can only hope she forgives me, us quickly!!
Ha, wel China Airlines better makes sure she gets to Bangkok safe and sound without any problems, specially to her health, or otherwise......... but am sure they know how to keep customers who fly with them as happy as possible ;-) I discovered a dog taking flight on a commercial plane, flies, from a financial point of view, in businessclass style .... though sadly for her, she will be in special animal storage elsewhere on the plane in her small 'kennel', ergo cage... and she will receive nothing of what gets close to a businessclass treatment .... but maybe for animal transport it is businessclass style. Well, can only hope she will not be put off by it all too much.... and have to make sure we do lots of happy dog things once we reached our destination!
So, in a way we will have a dear friend travelling with us on our 'honeymoon' flight to Thailand, but happy that she wil not be on our lap all that time ;-)
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