Monday, August 3, 2009

Just to remember you all of all the 3 weblogs you can visit:

And so, for your pleasure, enjoyment, or what ever I hereby give the 3 weblogs again in which at least every week a contribution of my hand is entered in either one, two or all three of them ;-)

If you are interested in specefic entries in one or more weblogs, I learned that you can become a "follower" of that weblog, and so one will automatically get informed if an entry is made in that specefic weblog.

Every weblog allows me also to enter 10 persons who wil automatically get informed about an entry in that weblog. I tried to put some names, emaildresses in there of whom I tohught that they for sure would be interested. If emailadress If, when you are one of them, but prefer to find out yourself about new entries, please let me know and I will remove you from that very exclusive little list, hehe

Which is about Robs adventures. Some entries though are in Dutch here... and if one is interested as non dutch speaking/reading person, then you can ask me about it ;-)

Which is mainly about things having to do with the preparations, the weddings and the marriage of me with Kik... my entries here are somewhat irregular but nonetheless at times they give a good insight in some of the problems and joys we have to deal with ;-)

last but not least, this weblog is about our bar, which is temporary closed till we have found a new lokation. Hopefullly before the new high season starts (at least thats how it will be officially called but most sadly it will probably just be an improvement of the lowseason this year)

And please feel free to react or to ask me to enter stories about specific subject if and when you so like!

Okay, enjoy, have fun and above all stay healthy in every respect!!! ;-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

family addition, maybe crazy... or just a healthy hing to do, at least it brings smiles back on our faces ;-)

Left: Mwoi, with the newest familymember on my lap, Mulan....

The other day I got a message from a Thai friend of mine who had run into a abandoned puppy and after having tried to take care of it himsel;f, he could not.... his employer did not want a dog around his hotel where my friend works and sleeps.
So, knowing that we had Didi, he asked me if we would be willing to take in this puppy because he was afraid for its safety if he would turn her out on the streets again.

Okay I said, in that case I like to meet the little one and also have the puppy meet Didi, because I do not like any problems or discomfert for Didi when we would take in a new dog.
So we agreed and ofcourse: we fell in love allmost on the spot with the little one, and Didi was pretty okay with her as well (its a she, so hence me calling her "her" all the time).

So, after Kik agreed as well, and Didi didn't seem to object, we decided to take her in... and so now our adventure has started with Mulan.
Sofar all goes well and she seems pretty well behaved sofar as well (touch wood though, haha)

But isn't she a sweety when you see her like that on my lap??

So now its Kik and me, and Didi and Mulan ...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Thai Dutch marriage in heavy financial weather.... or storm??

Left: Homecomming to a green, instead of a blue pool, consequence of an electricitybill not payed.....

Living, and even more so, being married to a Thai I now conclude is an 'artform' which one has to learn. And like all good art, it doesn't come easy, or cheap for that matter!
Living with Kik is not what one can call dull or boring, contrary.... allways there's a surprise, the unexpected popping up and often (or too often?) it is of a financial caracter.

We in the western world, as I call the world were I come from, have quite different rules to live by as the Thai seem to have. Different attitudes, different value of money.
On the one hand money is extremely important in Thai society. It gives one status no matter allmost where the money comes from or how it as been obtained. On the other hand Thai are very easy and are lacks with money, when they have it most Thai spend it and they do not worry too much about the futur. Most Thai also have land which will and often can provide for them as well. It changes when one gets sick ofcourse or some accident befalls on them... then, when one doesn't have enough money things can turn awkward here. Or when one does business with the wrong people, the trouble looms big as well.

For us in the west, money is also important, but be we deal with it in a different way. We learn how to plan our expenses and how rto take care of eventualities which can happen to all of us. Hence most of us, specially when Dutch, are often over insured, when we travell, or back home, we like to be covered against most what could happen to us if we fall on some bad luck.
Also money is often a dangerpit in/for every relationship, married or not.

Now, when two people from two such different cultures and attitudes towards money start living together these issues will ofcourse surface and pretty soon as welll.
With Kik and me it is no exception ofcourse.

Kik and I also have to deal with the 'problem' that we both have difficulty saying "no" when we are asked for help by our loved ones.
Kik has also an added burden in that respect, that his cultur dictates that he takes care of some familymembers or at least contributes to it. Ergo, if something bad happens to them he will go to allmost any length to help them in any way he can.
We in the west have a somewhat more tougher way of dealing with these situations. We also see it as the responsibility of the one getting in that particular situation.... which by all reason and purprose is what we learn. We learn that we have to take responsibility for our own actions and can not allways fall back on demanding help from our children or parents.
That we have to learn how to plan our money for instance to avoid moneyproblems, etc.
In Thai society, and specially that of North East Thailand, were Kik's roots are, questions like that are not asked but help is given regardles... also regardless for what it means for oneself.

We in the west will go pretty far to stay behind/support our husbands/wives, because in our way of thinking we are closest to easchother then anything else, often even closer then our own blood family. ourr partner has to be able to rely on you, to be and feel safe with you and ofcourse as partner you do your utmost and go as far as you need to, to help your partner.

Now, these different views were not unknown to me and I knew it would cost me some before I would get the hang of it to better control the finances, part of 'learning on the job' so to speak ;-)

Now, also other things have happened since we got married last year October/November: First of all the worldwide Economic/financial crisis. Second the politicol turmoil here in Thailand culminating in the occupation the the big international airports here as well as the ending by riots of the ASEAN conferance. And well, due to these actions of two warring political groups here in Thailand,the instability of the present Thai politics have come very loud and clear to wwworldwide attention. So much that most western and asians countries are warning their citizens to be carefull to go to Thailand or at least thnik twice or three times before going on holiday here (in itself I believe these warnings are not justified except maybe for 2 or 3 small parts of Bangkok). This mixture has for one given the Thai tourism industry a relative more heavy blow then the rest of South East Asia.
Also the Thai like to present everything as positive as they can and as such they manage to be surprised (the general population for sure) when things suddenly go bad and people loose jobs etc..... then Thai society seems to get hit harder then other ones do.
For us westerners this is a strange thing to wittness aaaaand we can't help but feel sorry for these people here because of that. But one can not change the habit of a cultur. A cultur by the way which also has a lot of positive things in it from which we could learn a lot ;-)

Then also things in my homecountry went different as we expected when we started our life together. The financial & economic crisis also hit home hard there and the selling of my house was cancelled at last moment by prospective buyers due to all the negative economic publications in the media. At that time (october/november 2008 the media turned the financial crisis in such a hype that it spread widly outsite its original limits and turned it into a global, all sections of life hitting crisis, simply because of the basic nature of men to financial conservatism in times of potential and actual criisis, at least thats my humble opinion as I have also expressed earlier in my other weblog) I had allready committed us to renting a house in patong Beach where also my dog was allowed to live and we had enough space for ourselfs as well as Mac aaand one guestroom. I had forgotten to investigate beforehand the acceptance of dogs in condominiums etc of dogs and I discovered that they were not allowed anywhere as well as in most houses... ergo I was forced to rent a somewhat more expensive house, with a swimmingpol though, where the owner declared that he had no problems with our dog. Well, one has or doesn't has a dog but when one has one, one has to except the consequences and simply can not abandon a dog because of dddifficulty renting a decent place... well, at least thats how I feel about it as I believe most dogowners would agree too ;-)

Kik's family, and as such Kik as well, was in that same period confronted with the loosing of the election by his grandfather, the pater familias of the family early November. Now loosing an election in the west is not to big of a problem in itself, but here in Thailand one has to invest a lot of his own money into it ddue to the system here. And I discovered that when one looses, one realy looses and from one on the other day one looses credit, all ones money because all the outstanding bills have to be payed by the candidate who lost, etc. Loosing face is not an option in Thailand for allmost everybody and one can gues, the whole family was asked to help out.

On my part I didn't feel much for solving these problems, simply because of the situation back home and making us incapable of building a decent life ourselfs....... now for us westerners a pretty logic stand but absoluutly not for a Thai, specially one embedded in the Thai cultur like Kik..........
well, as a consequence I discovered the creativity with which Thai can come up with all kinds of things to get you to come up with money here and there for this and that, simply because the family is (temporarily) somewhat broke because of al of this..ergo, slowly one starts to 'bleed' more and more.... and before one knows one might 'bleed' too much, and like with real blood, one needs a minimum of blood to stay behind to make enough new blood to keep everything functioning!

Well, all this mixture taken together has caused Kik and me to have landed in a somewhat awkward situation .

Kik lacks of understanding of what I wrote above, and tried to explain in lots of different ways, combined with alll the other things mentioned above, made my return here to Thailand somewhat different then I expected and planned.
A big, mainly financial mess was what I found which I had absolutly no choice but to solve to the best of my abillities without crushing us in the process. If I managed or manage, only the fuuutur will tell.

Kik now seems finally to understand that our ability to go to an ATM machine (or as we Dutch say 'flappentap') has its consequences and that the partner can not go on and on and on to suply whatever they need because the suppply is rather limited and one needs money to make money (one needs blood to make new blood).

This inability to understand and/or take serious my soft and strong signals and talks before and while in Holland in May/June caused additional problems partly allready mentioned.

I, on my part have learnd that I also need to adjust my attitude and let go of the 21st century way of western thinking of the functioning of a relationship and have to look more to how things went in the 19th and early 20th century in our western world when one looks how marriages dealt with such issues. A pretty big and rather difficult shift for a liberal person like me. But when I left Holland for Thailand again, I had allready decided to adopt this other way at looking at this part of our marriage, knowing it would be hard and pretty much against my nature............. But then again at that moment I didn't know yet what had happened here in Patong/Thailand during my total of 6 weeks beeing away.
What can happen when your Thai partner gets into a panick and you are not arround.....

Ergo, these last 3 weeks have not been a party, or fun but rather very stressfull!! It is no fun if one discoveres one is forced to walk a very tight rope indeed!! And it will cloud the comming months ahead, if not longer.....

And now we struggle how to get our affairs, which looked pretty good at the start, back in ordfer again.
It is pretty hard to do that I can assure you all. And it puts a lot of strain on us in the same time!

Two different ways of thinking, two cultures!
if we manage to combine the best of our two worlds we wil survive and grow stronger out of it all then we now may feel and see, if not.... well we cross that bridge when we are forced to cross it.;-)

Feel free to let me know your feedback or own experiences. Life is, and has allways been, one big fascinating school, we all hope to finish with some level of succes, so we take in as much as we can to learn and better ourselfs ;-)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today, latest tomorrow I will start again by keeping all of you updated again about what is happening with me/us, or what I am experiencing..... or unasked for opinions about what is happening in Thailand/Holland or elsewhere. and influencing our marriage ofocurse ;-)
These last weeks I have been silent, mainly because I was back in The Netherlands for 6 weeks and totally occupied there.
So, in these comming days one might find stories here going back to some of the things I (and me & Kik) experienced back in Holland, respectivly experiencing now here in Phuket.
In due time I also hope to enlighten them with some pictures as well ;-)

So, see you soon again!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mac!..and education pffff ;-)

Picture: Kik and Mac backstage at Simons!

As most readers of this blog might now, Mac is, as they call it here our 'son' or 'student' (fosterchild, whatever).
Mac stays with his grandparents in Si Bun Ruang and is spending his 'summerholliday' here before a new year starts at his school back in Si Bun Ruang, North East Thailand.
I must admit, his arrival, accompanied by his grandfather, 2 uncles (of which one was kiks father), an aunt (Kiks stephmother) and nephew (who only stayed roughly 24 hours before driving all the way back again!), caused quite a change in our daily routine.
Its a gem though to have around, I can assure you that! he's as stuborn as Kik, by the way as most Thai are and in just as a polite way as everyone else, haha.

Ofcourse I would like to have him here all the time, to have him go to school here as well.... but that seems to be an impossibility to my surprise! I would like Mac to enter the international school here on Phuket, so he gets a good education, and not only in English ;-) In general when one manages to finish International School, one can enter any other higher education anywhere in the world and so makes oneself stand out and as such create much better chances on advancing oneself in life as a whole. That in itself would also benefit the family in a constructive way for the long term.
Now it seems very hard to convince the family that that should be the way to do things, specially when a boy is still 13 years old. At that age one learns simply much easier... the older one gets the harder it becomes... as we all know I think ;-)

Now Kik tries to explain to me that such can not be, that he has to finish his first period of 3 years at his school before he can change to anywhere else and that also the Abbot of the monastry near Si Bun Ruang syas it would be much better for mac to stay there in the countryside of North East Thailand. And this Abbot ofcourse is a waise, much respected and all knowing figur in the community of Kiks 'homecountry' (thats how Thai describein English the area/province where they come from within Thailand.
Ofcourse I disagree!
I believe, as most of us 'farang' would, that the earlier one starts the best education one can get, the better it is, specially if it involves also the learning of a foreign language! The more chances of advancement one can realise in futur life.

When I look for instance to Jeroen, my godson, who, by the way, is getting married next month (by me!!!) I realise that he has much better chances on life than lots of contemporaries who got their basic education in their home country The Netherlands. Ofcourse getting these advantages doesn't guarantee a good endresult, only the chance of a good one increases. And for sure that's the case when one lives here in Thailand.

Whatever direction Mac would like to take with his education, I would really like him to get the best chances and opportunities.
Not sure though I will succeed in convincing his/my Thai family about this....
after all, its a pretty stubborn people ;-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


These last weeks when driving home from/to the bar or other places I often think of my weblogs and subjects to write about. I also formulate whole little stories to tell about what is happening here, or with me and/or Kik etc..... but then when back home distraction hits from all corners and before I know it I simply forgot what I wanted to write or report about. From funny things, to the more serious, including frustrations as a "farang" (= foreigner) in for me a strange country, culture etc. ....
Stupid in a way because it is hard to follow and make reading my weblogs decent on once list of things one likes to do!

I hereby apologise to all who tok the trouble to look regular into one of my 3 weblogs and not finding new entries in them, time and time again.
But I simply do not like to give up, not on you who read them, and not on myself wanting to report my troubles and tribulations, as me, as in my marriage as well as with the bar and all that goes with it.
So again I made a whole list of subjects I should tackle and write about... sofar 27 in total.
Now you would say: good show, finally.... well I can only say, making that list is easier then executing writing about all these subjects.
Well, those who know me now I can be a stuborn guy........ so lets how that that stuborness will come to something in this case of reporting more regular.
Receiving feedback, questions, etc. wil be very much appreciated ofcourse!!

IMPORTANT: If you like to know when a new entry is published, you can become a follower of the weblog you like to follow. May it be this blog or one or both other blogs as seems to be very easy to do and one doesn't need to go to my weblogs everytime to see if a new entry has been posted. Very easy and handy for those interested!!
My other weblogs are:

Also, a few people have been entered by me so they get an e-mail of every new entry in one of my weblogs. Please, if you do not like this, feel free to let me know and I'll remove your e-mail from this exclusive little list, I won't hold it against you ;-)

Greetings and please keep me focussed when I stay silent to long!!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Read also my last entry in ......

my weblog Rob's Adventures: .

It's a part of the learning process when living with a Thai guy and even more so when married with a Thai guy.
Uhum, and to be even more honest: its a damn interesting lesson to learn, for me as well as as for Kik!
Happy to say I feel we made real and good progress in that area!!

Enjoy reading and do not forget, read the article mentioned in it ;-)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Niet altijd even makkelijk.... of toch wel?

En dan heb ik het over hoe hier in Thailand en ook door Kik, aangekeken wordt als je iets beloofd te doen.
Voor hun/hem lijkt het wel dat beloven betekend dat je zal kijken of je het wel of niet gaat doen en dat het dan vervolgens dus afwachten wordt of het ook gebeurd of niet zoals afgesproken.
Anderzijds, als ik wat beloof, dan wordt ervan uitgegan dat ik het ook doe, althans..... is dat wel zo? Zo begin ik mij af te vragen....
Ook heeft het er mee te maken hoevel belang er aan wordt gehecht.

NU weet ik, nooit iets te snel beloven, of laten beloven... ik doe mijn best, maar het is moeilijk, zeker als je iets vraagd waarvan je gewoon weet dat dat veel beter is voor hem.
Maar de 'macht' van 'vrienden' is behoorlijk groot... ook al zal Kik zelf ook vrij makkelijk die ' ...' plaatsen.

Ik klaag niet hoor, weet wel zo'n beetje hoe het hier wat dat betreft an toe gaat inmiddels, maar het blijft geweldig moeilijk er mee om te gaan.
En het erge is, er wordt helemaal geen kwaad mee bedoeld of iets negatiefs.

Enfin, moest dit even kwijt............. anders ga ik me weer opwinden, zoals vanmorgen..... maar hij moet dan ook begrijpen, ooit hoop ik, dat dat gebeurd omdat ik mij juist zorgen maakte omdat hij er niet was zoals afgesproken en ook de telefoon niet aannam. Dat er van alles gebeurd had kunnen zijn, etc. Want het regent hier soms motor ongelukken en dat soort ongijn, en als men moe is en ook nog wat nuttigt, neemt de kans er op alleen maar toe.

En de ellende vervolgens de volgende ochtend om hem uit bed te krijgen om te doen wat gedaan moet orden........

Enfin, dit hoort er allemaal bij, bij het getrouwd zijn met een orginele Thaise vent, haha

Maar er zal ergens ene keer en soort compromis uit moeten vloeien, wil ik niet een keer met een hartverzakking komen te zitten ;-)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bad Boy starts reporting again.... hopefull intention for 2009

OK, some friends from al over our little planet start complaining why I do not keep up the reporting on my two weblogs...... and well, in a way they are right. Simply because I have been silent for too long now.
Why? Simple: too busy, too occupied (lousy excuses, true) but also lousy internet connections, been very very tired and so allways the so called more important things got done first.......
My intention for 2009 is to better myself, to get more time for myself and time to rst and sit down also to learn Thai and type some reports about my married life with Kik.
One day it will be mostly flash backs over the period not reported yet, parts will be about present "trials and tribulations" of newlyweds.
Lets see if I an keep up my promise to better myself... but don't crucify me if I am not allways able to. Then think that I might also sufer from periods of tiredness, or simply being to pre occupied with all kinds of stuff here.because starting a new life here with Kik, is not easy... one foot in Thailand and the other in Holland. One place much easier but thats not possible for the time being ;-)